What we do

We work with municipal governments to orientate the growth of their cities towards low carbon and climate resilient development.

On the basis of:

Measuring the carbon and water footprints of the municipal governments as institutions

Measuring the carbon and water footprints of the cities as territories

Proposing footprint reduction responses and establishing reduction goals

Implementing demonstrative pilot projects to reduce the footprints.

Involving key sectors and the general population in the measurement and reduction of the footprints

Creating capacities for measuring and monitoring the footprints within the municipal governments

Stages of the Project

Carbon footprint and water footprint of municipal installations and public services. Enables the municipal governments to lead the management of the city footprints by example.

Carbon and water footprints of the cities as territories, taking into account the contributions of the main sectors: residential, transport, commercial, institutional and waste.

Portfolio of footprint reduction projects by sector, including clean energy, efficient technology, sustainable transport, waste water treatment and others.

Implementation of pilot footprint reduction projects with the potential to be replicated and/or extended.

Using the footprints to contribute to the process of raising awareness among the population about the impact of their activities on climate change. Coordination between key actors and facilitation of networks and alliances at local and international levels.

Knowledge transfer through trainings, calculation tools, manuals, etc. that enable the municipal governments to monitor the evolution of their footprints in future years.



Nuestra SeƱora de La Paz is a city and municipality in the West of Bolivia, capital of the department of La Paz, seat of the Bolivian government and of the legislative and executive powers. See more.


San Francisco de Quito is the capital city of the Republic of Ecuador. Quito is the political centre of the republic and it houses the main governmental, cultural, financial, administrative and commercial entities of the country. See more


Lima is the capital city of the Republic of Peru and is located on the central coast of the country. Its urban area is known as Metropolitan Lima. See more.